Summertime Guide To Beating The Post-Vaca Blues
Summer is the season everyone seems to look forward to most, embodying the notion of much needed relief, sunshine, and play. The weather is warm, and vacations are often taken during this time- a celebrated break from the real world, with real stresses and real obligations.
We all have heard it, and been annoyed by its simplistic charm- "Create a life you don't need a vacation from." As true as it is, I don't know many people who can quickly and effectively change their lifestyle to one that is stress-free, filled with bay-breezes and a swift "cya never" to all their co-workers. I also don't know if that is ultimately a life many of us would want.
That being said, I do believe this quote means something more- it means to make you a bit uncomfortable, thinking about what parts of your life could use some adjusting. It challenges you to look at what needs fixed in the present so that you can live everyday more happily, without counting down the days for a time in the future.
The American "getaway" style vacation
We all know the moment of unpacking from that long-awaited trip, thinking "I can't believe it's over already." You don't really feel as revived as you thought you would, and are quickly greeted with an unsettled feeling. This moment is a raw connection to the inner knowing that something has got to change. Do not run from it. Feel it, so that you may gather the courage to change what needs to be changed.
We can be told that it is just the post vacation blues and we will get back into sync soon, but deep down we wonder why. When we feel this way, our spiritual alarm is calling us back home. Maybe our job is a source of dissatisfaction. Maybe it is our feeling of not having enough hours in the day. Maybe we don't feel understood or appreciated by those around us. Wherever the tension is, try to find it.
It is very similar to the intense emotions a woman feels during her cycle. All of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, she is brought to tears by things that typically do not bother her so much. A conversation gone wrong is a trigger, a movie scene is a trigger, a remembrance of the past or worry of the future is a trigger. We've been told that these are random PMS symptoms, emotions being blown out of the water due to hormones.. but these emotions are being blown out of the water of our psyche so that we finally notice them.
Solitude as a means of self-awareness
We need more breaks. We need more moments of peace and disconnection from distractions so that we can hear our own voice, hear what it is that we need less and more of- and only we can do something about it. This isn't a simple task.. but it's the most important work we will ever do.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes talks about this concept of "intentional solitude" in her book Women Who Run With The Wolves as a means to connecting with our soul-self. Often times it takes a great depression to make us realize we are not fulfilled, but with intentional solitude throughout life we can pluck these weeds of discontent before they bury underground and take root. Here are some ways we can call upon our soul-self:
“Many are mundane, some are divine. Spending time near a river, a stream, a creek. Lying on the ground in dappled light. Being with a loved one without kids around. Sitting on the porch shelling something, knitting something, peeling something. Walking or driving for an hour, any direction, than returning. Making drums while listening to music. Driving out to where the city lights do not interfere with the night sky. Drying hair in the sun. Beholding beauty, grace, the touching frailty of human beings.”
Practicing Mental Alchemy
All change begins with shifting your perspective. Allow yourself to bask in the glory of what is already in your life, instead of what is missing from it. Try to make conscious effort to cultivate and water the inner optimist, the who sees the sunny side, even when shadows are about.
Tell yourself how wonderful and spectacular you are. Be mentally kind to yourself. Take a break from social media and its hypnotizing effects. When we compare ourselves to others and seek validation we are smothering our own fire, stealing our very own oxygen.
Observing our thoughts is a powerful practice to become more aware of how we interact with the outside world. This is what true alchemy is: in ancient hermetics it is not the act of literally turning metals into gold- it is the spiritual science of being able to change the form of something with your mind. In more simple terms, by using our words and thoughts more positively, we steer our lives into a much greater realm of experience.
Summer Energy Hacks
to take advantage of the seasons beauty:
Meditate to find your inner balance
Find a fun day trip
Go swimming in a natural body of water
Pick up a good book
Seek local events
( farmers market, outdoor yoga classes, workshops, live music)Start a pollinator-friendly garden
Eat fresh foods and colorful nutritious meals
Get outside and soak up the sun's rays!