Women Who Run With The Wolves: Quotes To Inspire
If you are here, chances are you have read this magnificent book, or are already feeling the magic woven within its words. Despite its title, this is not a book for just women- it is a useful tool and amazing read for anybody seeking a more soulful life. The passages below have made a big impact on me and my work. I hope they inspire you too.
“Questions are the keys that cause the doors of the psyche to swing open.”
Ever since I was little, I have always had an extremely inquiring mind. It was nonstop, animated, defiant curiousity that most likely drove my family crazy. With age I began to tone it down- I still asked a million questions but I asked them to myself instead. I am good at finding ridiculous rabbit holes to fall down and down into for just about any introspective topic. I subtly criticized myself for being such an "over-thinker", but life is so layered and elusive that we have to ask questions. Curiosity is how we process, categorize, and find meaning in the world around us. I embrace my monkey mind now because I realize that it is also what swings me into incredible awarenesses that I wouldn't have found otherwise. What we criticize ourselves for being "so much of" is often our greatest gift in disguise. Nevertune out or abandon an innate part of your personality. Maybe it just requires some balancing and appreciation.
“This is our meditation practice- calling back the dead and dismembered aspects of ourselves, calling back the dismembered aspects of life itself. The creation mother is always also the death mother and vice versa. Because of this dual nature, the great work before us is to learn to understand what around and about us and what within us must live, and what must die.”
Oh, the metaphors... This book is not for the literal reader. It is death as symbolism for the foundation supporting any kind of transformation. If you want to become a healthier eater, you must end your addiction to flamin' hot cheetos. If you want to feel special and valued, it's wise to cut off your relationships with others who tug on your insecurities. I love this quote because whenever times are tough it reminds me that the pain of letting go or the fear of change is just destruction- a necessary step to wipe the slate clean for the creation of something greater. We see this theme everywhere in nature; with forest fires that feed vital nutrients to the soil for new plants, and the metamorphic caterpillar literally melting in the chrysalis before becoming a butterfly. I always thought the butterfly analogy was so graceful and beautiful, like the caterpillar just awoke one day batting its eyelashes and fluttering into the sun. I knew there was obviously some type of shape-shifting but I figured maybe it just kind of shrunk and grew some wings? Who knows. What an amazing life cycle though. It teaches us to trust the process, as excruciatingly terrible as it may seem at times.
“Often we hear voices within our minds which encourage us to hold back, to stay safe. These voices say things like ‘Oh don’t say that’ or ‘Well you’re certainly not one of my children/friends/ peers if you do that’ or ‘Who knows what will become of you if you leave this warm nest!’ What occurs when one compresses a vivid energy and allows it no life? It grows and grows until it explodes, spilling all of its goodness on the ground. Or perhaps more accurately, we eventually find ourselves pushed out of that nice cozy space, not because we were completely ready- no one is every completely ready- but because there is something waiting for us at the edge of the woods, and it is our fate to meet it.”
SHEESH. I don't know if you all are gonna have the kind of reaction I did when I first read this, but I stared dumbfounded at the page like I had just gotten the biggest ass-whooping of my life. This segment completely calls out all of the things you have always dreamed of doing that were taken by doubt/worry/judgement/fear/whatever limiting synonym you can think of. We are usually raised with caution because 1) it's a survival mechanism and 2) our loved ones want to see us succeed. Caution has its purpose and I respect it. Though too much of it throws us out of balance and out of power. A few years ago, I fell into a serious funk of no energy or inspiration. The type of depression most people suffer from; not feeling bad but not really feeling good either. It was a product of me not listening to my heart and the calls of what I really desired to be doing with my life. My interests weren't very mainstream so I didn't express them often. I was taking core classes at a local community college even though I always wanted to study more eastern concepts of natural medicine, wellness, and spirituality. It seemed too alternative of a career path to be reliable. All the schools I liked were on the west coast and I worried about the family dynamic with me being so far. It seemed too difficult to figure out. I eventually fell into a state of not being able to take it anymore, mixed with some signs that were impossible to ignore. So I visited an old friend from high school who had moved to Arizona and happened to live a few mins away from my top choice healing arts school. (Imagine that...) The rest is history and now here I am writing this blog post smiling to myself. I ended up moving there with no familiarity, no car, and a roommate from Craigslist that I had met once. (I could write a whole book on this topic) It was the biggest leap of faith I have ever taken and it taught me that every leap is actually a rocket launcher into the most beautiful unknown you could ever imagine. It is true that the most fulfilling and remarkable experiences in life begin when you leave your comfort zone. It is just really annoying to hear about until you do it.
“The reward for simply being nice in oppressive circumstances is to be mistreated all the more.”
So so so so so true. It's interesting how we don't want to speak up, step on any toes, or cause conflict; especially with somebody we care deeply for... but it hurts us instead. To keep trying to play nice when the circumstance isn't just sends the signal to keep it coming. We usually end up learning this one the hard way but GOOD! Let it hit hard because it is a crippling awareness that needs to happen in order to build a much stronger, self-loving, aggressive when necessary, version of ourselves.
“A lover cannot be chosen a la smorgasbord. A lover has to be chosen from soul-craving. To choose just because something mouth-watering stands before you will never satisfy the hunger of the soul-Self. And that is what intuition is for; it is a direct messenger of the soul. ”
I love the point that she makes of there being such an abundance of choices available to us at all times. So how do we make a quality decision? When we are on the hunt, any initial appearance of romantic opportunity can become tinted with our own wants and assumptions. We carve people into versions of themselves that fit into the peg that we are looking for. It's okay that we seek love- it is one of the greatest things about us. But when it comes to true connection, I feel like you just have to be patient and content. Don't let people label you as picky as if it's a bad thing. It's worth it. Know what you want and don't settle. You hear it often that the best way to attract the qualities you want in a partner is to embody them yourself first. And I don't mean specifically like "be handy! a good cook! love this and that!" I mean genuine warmth and positivity, taking care of yourself, living an honest life and going after what brings you joy, being resilient- this attracts a deep reflection of heart and soul. I personally don't want someone exactly like me. Yet I do want someone with strong character and will. And if you ask your intuition, when they come around, you will know. Sometimes, you will not even have to ask because it will tell you itself, very loudly.
“In mythos and fairy tales, deities and other great spirits test the heart of humans by showing up in various forms that disguise their divinity. They show up in robes, rags, silver sashes, or with muddy feet. They show up with skin dark as old wood, or in scales made of rose petal, as a frail child, as a lime- yellow old woman, as a man who cannot speak, or as an animal who can. The great powers are testing to see if humans have yet learned to recognize the greatness of soul in all its varying forms. ”
This world operates on a level so much more complicated than how things appear on the surface. This quote speaks for itself and is one of my favorites of all time. I live by it as best as I can, every day, and it has allowed me to learn the depth of what acceptance and and forgiveness truly means. To see beyond yourself, beyond how things appear, to go deeper. Judgement is easy, but understanding requires a lot of love. Before you write off another person, consider their circumstances. Their family. Their feelings. Their experiences. What has made them who they are? Think about the person that has hurt you the most in life. Do you know more about how you feel about them, than how they feel about them? What they did to you, more than what has happened to them? Just a thought. When we are able to see past the surface, we begin to understand, and you can only hate what you do not understand. You aren't letting someone get off easily when you practice this- you are freeing yourself.
“What must I give more death to today, in order to generate more life? What do I know should die, but am hesitant to allow to do so? What should live? What life am I afraid to give birth to? If not now, when?”