Collection + Integration
september 2019
intuitive listening
a slowing of pace
nurturing the physical body
monthly message
Everytime we take care of our own health, we are taking care of the earth.
The awareness of relationship between our inner world and outer world is finally entering the mainstream. The paradigm is over of stretching ourselves thin in the name of productivity.
As women, we are our most productive when we come forward in the world with a full heart and rich inner landscape. This means taking the time necessary to reflect on what we need and take active steps forward.
There is a difference between selfishness and service. Being of service to yourself is the first step in effectively being of service to another-and the healing of this planet. The micro and macrocosm is very muchso living and breathing together.
Tend to the garden which is you. This is what late summer shows us. After all the sun has been absorbed, and the flowers have blossomed- scan the field. What is now necessary moving forward? What parts of the garden are overwhelmed or overgrown? What is thriving? What needs a bit more water? What needs some helping hands?
Before you continue moving, take a moment to breathe in the bounty that already exists. Drop in. Be still.
From this space of gratitude we receive the greatest gift- the feeling of being supported. Even when life feels like a storm, we have roots to hold onto. Virgo season, as represented by the earth maiden, represents this union with the earth. Her health is our health.
We must remember that personal + planetary healing calls for great endurance. The band-aid approach has ripped open and we can now see where the wound is. We need deep adaptogenic medicine- the ability to identify and transform what needs mended. By looking inside, we also see out.
ways to activate the energy of this time:
Pay attention to the conversations that happen daily with your body. It is a wise vessel that is in constant communication with you. Perhaps you need more stretching, or more stimulation. Maybe you need less coffee to help your heart settle.
Consider the ratio between what you consume and what you create. Are you spending as much time on your own ideas/dreams as you do viewing others on instagram?
Embrace a morning ritual. Say thank you upon waking and spend 10 mins (minimum) in your sleepy subconscious realm before distracting yourself with the days priorities/checking messages/ going online. This could be meditation, journaling, tracing your dreams from the night before, sitting on your porch, etc. If you want some ideas of nice, short guided meditations to do- feel free to ask me and I will send them your way.
“Sometimes I need
only to stand
wherever I am
to be blessed.”
Thank you sweet summer.
From my heart to yours-
I bless you with the trust that everything is unfolding just as it should. I bless you with new open doorways that bring greater possibility into your life. I bless you with the awareness that there is noone like you on this planet- and your soul is special. I bless you with confidence. I bless you with rightful action. I bless you with discernment and clarity. I bless you with ease, joy, and harmony. I bless you with unconditional love. Always.