April 2019: Inner Fire
april 2019
I continuously, easily, and effortlessly claim authority over my own life.
Follow Your Fire.
That innermost passion, that desire to express, that innate part of you that is unapologetically true, unapologetically you, never going away. Leak this passion into those around you and breathe life into your dreams.
You are capable.
You are more than enough.
You are both soft, and strong.
You are an adaptation machine.
Allow yourself to be seen, heard, felt- and make an impact.
For a while the intense and fiery parts of myself didn’t get enough oxygen.
I’ve learned that there are stages in our lives- times to be gentle, and times to be sharp.. times to be reflective and expressive, yin and yang, you get the point.
Over time we tend to stick to one end of the spectrum, having learned what is most comfortable or accepted. At this point in our lives we’ve established a set of behaviors that works well for us. Trying something new makes the brain anxious. It has no previous history of how to do it.. but as humans we are driven by the ability to transform. We desire exploration and growth.
I shit you not my first time boxing training ten weeks ago I couldn’t even get the basic stepping down. Simply moving on the mat with the right mechanics was a mindf*ck. It was so strange to my fluid way of moving through the world previously- what do you mean I have to do it this way, so specific, with so much repetition before we can move on?
I never participated in activities that demand structure + consistency because I preferred creativity + freedom. Simultaneously, I had a million ideas and dreams that desired the momentum needed to channel them into action.
It’s ironic that the first thing I learned is box stepping. I’ve found that having a clear, concise space is what stabilizes you. Repetition is not your enemy when it preludes to achieving a goal. It creates clarity and focus. Determination is the healthiest thing in the world.. when there is a formula attached.
My movements are not “perfect” but they are progressive and that’s the whole point.
Decisiveness. Action. Repetition. Commitment.
And then mixed with intention, receptivity, and flow?
You’re a powerhouse.